TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
MUSIC: Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter (CD: Single)

Sequence: A, TAG 1, A (1-32), AAA, TAG 2, A to end

1-3	Step forward on right, step forward on left, step forward on right
4	Complete a full turn to the left spiral turn (in place), weight remains on right
5	Touch left toe forward pushing left hip forward
6	Reach a little further forward with left toe pushing left hip forward
7-8	Rock back onto right, rock forward onto left

1&2	Step forward on right, pivot 1/4 turn left taking weight on left,
	cross (step) right in front of left
3&4	Step left to left side, step right across and behind left,
	step left to left side in an open lunge position
	(knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, weight on left)
5-6	Turn 1/4 left on left and step forward on right, turn 1/2 left keeping weight on right
7&8	Left lead coaster step (left back, right together, left forward)

1&2	Triple forward right, left, right
3	Touch left toe out to left side
4	Bring left next to right bending knees slightly (weight is evenly distributed)
5	From the waist down twist 1/4 turn left
6	Twist to the right turning 1/2 right and taking weight onto right
7-8	Forward motion body roll keeping weight on right

1&2	Triple forward left, right, left
3	Touch right toe to right side
4	Turn 1/2 right on left bringing right next to left with no weight (monterey turn)
5	Step right to right side (for style, you could complete a side motion body roll)
6	Kick left across right leg
7-8	Step left next to right bumping hips left twice

1&2	On 45 degree angle right triple step right, left, right in place
3-4	Skate on angle to left, skate right turning 1/4 right
5&6	Step forward on left, pivot 3/4 turn right transferring weight to right,
	point left to left side
7-8	Bump left hip to left twice transferring weight to left

1&2	Cross right in front of left, step left to left side,
	cross right in front of left (crossed triple step)
3-4	1/2 turn left (unwind) ending with weight on right, lift left knee into figure 4
5-6	Step left to left side, step right next to left
7&8	Triple side left, right, left
	Note: For style on 5-8, you can use contra body motion,
	to simulate shoulder lifts i.e. Dangerous.

TAG 1:
1-8	Full turn left on left doing 8 mini paddle turns

TAG 2:
1-2	Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on right, step forward on left
3-4	Step forward on right, step forward on left
5	Turn 1/4 left stepping right to right side, bump right hip to right side
6-8	Bump left hip to left side, bump right hip to right side twice taking weight onto right
9-10	Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, step forward on right
11-12	Step forward on left, step forward on right
13	Turn 1/4 right stepping left to left side, bump left hip to left side
14-16	Bump right hip to right side, bump left hip to left side twice taking weight onto left


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2006 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.