THE CLAXTON STOMP & GO CHOREOGRAPHER: Evelyn Khinoo Country Attitude Productions Menlo Park, CA (415) 325-6913 COUNT: 32 DESCRIPTION: 2 Wall line dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: If You Ain’t Lovin’ by George Strait-154bpm Wrong From Right by Gary Wayne Claxton & The Hellbound Honky Tonk Band-180bpm (preferred) Find Out What’s Happenin’ by Tanya Tucker-177bpm Should’ve Asked Her Faster by Ty England-188bpm The “Claxton” foot pattern was invented for this dance. “THE CLAXTON”-STEP RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT TOUCH, HEEL TAP WITH HEEL LIFT, HITCH, SIDE TOE TAP TWICE WITH HITCHES AND HEEL LIFTS 1 Step right foot forward 2 Touch left toes to left side 3 Tap left heel in front of right and lift right heel off floor 4 Step down on right heel and lift left knee into a hitch (bend and raise knee up in front) 5 Touch left toes to left side and at 45 degrees back and lift right heel off floor (keep weight on right foot)** 6 Step down on right heel and lift left knee into a hitch 7 Touch left toes to left side and at 45 degrees back and lift right heel off floor (keep weight on right foot)** 8 Step down on right heel and lift left knee into a hitch **Optional Hat Trick with side toe touches, counts 5-6; with hat on head, hold brim with left hand and look out over left shoulder; repeat with right in the next “claxton” section on counts 13-14. “THE CLAXTON”-STEP LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT TOUCH, HEEL TAP WITH HEEL LIFT, HITCH, SIDE TOE TAP TWICE WITH HITCHES AND WITH HEEL LIFTS 9 Step left foot forward 10 Touch right toes to right side 11 Tap right heel in front of left and lift left heel off floor 12 Step down on left heel and lift right knee into a hitch (bend and raise knee up in front) 13 Touch right toes to right side and at 45 degrees back and lift left heel off floor (keep weight on left foot)** 14 Step down on left heel and lift right knee into a hitch 15 Touch right toes to right side and at 45 degrees back and lift left heel off floor (keep weight on left foot)** 16 Step down on left heel and lift right knee into a hitch **See Hat Trick above but use right hand to tip hat SIDE RIGHT, BEHIND, SIDE RIGHT, BEHIND, HEEL, TOE, STOMP TWICE 17 Step right to right side 18 Cross left slightly behind right 19 Step right to right side 20 Cross left slightly behind right 21 Tap right heel forward 22 Step right toes down 23 Stomp left foot next to right (weight stays on right) 24 Stomp left foot** slightly forward and to the left of right foot and yell “GO” (11:00; left toes pointing toward front wall; weight stays on right) (yell is optional) **Optional Hat Trick with stomps, counts 23-24; with hat on head, hold front brim of hat with left hand. LEFT FORWARD, SLIDE, FORWARD, 1/4 PIVOT WITH HITCH, 1/4 TURN, BACK RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, ROCK 25 Step left forward 26 Slide right next to left 27 Step left forward 28 Pivot 1/4 to the left on ball of left foot and hitch right knee** and yell “yeah” (yell is optional) 29 Step back onto right into 1/4 turn to the left 30 Step left back 31 Step right back 32 Rock forward onto left (change weight to left) **Optional Hat Trick with hitch, count 28; take hat off with right hand and yell “yeah”; place hat back on head on count 29. BEGIN AGAIN