CHIT CHAT CHOREOGRAPHER: Nancy Thompson Verbryck, Tunkhannock, Pa. TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance COUNT: 44 MUSIC: If The House Is Rocking by Lee Roy Parnell HEEL, HEEL, TOE, TOE 1 Tap right heel forward 2 Tap right heel forward 3 Tap right toe back 4 Tap right toe back HEEL, HOLD, TOE, HOLD 5 Tap right heel forward 6 Hold 7 Tap right toe back 8 Hold THE DWIGHT 9 With weight on left foot, swivel left heel to right while touching right toe in home position 10 Swivel left toe to right while touching right heel in home position (replace toe with heel ) 11 Swivel left heel to right while touching right toe in home position 12 Swivel left toe to center while touching right heel in home position (replace toe with heel) SCOTT BACK (3 STOOGES SCOOT) &13 With right knee bent and foot off floor, scoot back on left foot, tap tip of right toe behind left foot &14 With right knee bent and foot off floor, scoot back on left foot, tap tip of right toe back and to the right (back right diagonal) &15 With right knee bent and foot off floor, scoot back on left foot, tap tip of right toe behind left foot &16 With right knee bent and foot off floor scoot back on left foot, tap tip of right toe back and to the right (back right diagonal) SHUFFLE, ROCK, STEP 17&18 Shuffle forward right, left, right 19 Step forward onto left foot and rock 20 Step back (replace weight) onto right foot 1/2 TURN, SHUFFLE, SCOOT, SCOOT & Make a 1/2 turn to left (CCW) 21&22 Shuffle forward left, right, left &23 Bring right foot up parallel to left with feet slightly apart, scoot forward on both feet 24 Scoot forward on both feet ELVIS KNEES 25 Turn left knee inward 26 Turn right knee inward while straightening left knee 27 Turn left knee inward while straightening right knee 28 Turn right knee inward while straightening left knee SHUFFLE, ROCK, STEP 29&30 Shuffle to right side right, left, right 31 Rock back onto left foot 32 Step forward onto right foot SHUFFLE WITH 3/4 TURN, WALK, WALK 33&34 Shuffle in place making a 3/4 turn to right (CW) left, right, left 35 Step forward onto right foot 26 Step forward onto left foot STOMP, STOMP, SNAP, SNAP 37 Stomp right foot 38 Stomp right foot 39 Extend both arms straight forward and snap fingers 40 Snap fingers HIP ROLL 41-44 Roll hips clockwise for 4 beats (right to left to right to left) (weight ends on left foot) REPEAT Prepared by: Johnny Montana Phone: 1-607-648-8151 E-mail: Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown