Chicago City Twister
                        Choreographer Unknown

   This is a 4 Wall Line Dance.

    1 -  2   Turn L toe in, Raising R arm, Step forward L
             Lowering R arm and Snapping fingers.
    3 -  4   Turn R toe in, Raising L arm, Step forward R
             Lowering L arm and Snapping fingers.

    5 -  6   Repeat Steps 1 & 2.
    7 -  8   Repeat Steps 3 & 4.
    9 - 10   Swing L around to the outside of R, Pivot on R
             Turning 1/4 Turn Right, Bring arms to your chest,
             (like you are pulling something).
   11 - 12   Repeat Steps 9-10 to complete another 1/4 Turn.
   13 - 14   Repeat Steps 9-10 to complete another 1/4 Turn.

   15 - 16   Repeat Steps 9-10 to complete another 1/4 Turn.
             (This puts you back at the beginning position).
   17 - 18   Kick L out to Left side, Step L behind R.
   19 - 20   Kick R out to Right side, Step R behind L.
   21 - 22   Touch L heel forward,
             Hop on L while putting R toe to back.
   23 - 24   Hop on R, do a L Kick Ball Change.

   25 - 27   Turn L toe in, Turn L toe out, Step L down.
   28 - 30   Turn R toe in, Turn R toe out, Step R down.
   31 - 32   Touch L toe to back, Pivot on ball
             of L making a 1/4 Turn to Left.

   Start Again!