CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Allen, Texas, March 1998
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Beginner

General Dance Description: Four directional type line dance.
All dancers start off in single file lines all facing the same direction.
After completing the pattern, dancers will have made a 1/4 turn to the right
from the beginning direction. See Comment section before learning dance.


1.	1	Left foot step forward (rock forward)
		and twist body slightly to the right
	2	Rock back on right foot and twist back to center
	3&4	Make a three count shuffle step back with a left foot lead

2.	1	Rock back on right and twist body slightly to the left
	2	Rock forward on left foot
	3&4	Make a three count shuffle step forward

3.	1	Left foot step forward
	2	Make a 1/2 turn to the right
	3&4	Make a three count shuffle step forward

4.	1	Right foot step forward
	2	Make a 1/2 turn to the left
	3&4	Make a three count shuffle step forward

5.	1	Left foot step forward (rock forward)
		and twist body slightly to the right
	2	Rock back on right foot and twist back to center
	3&4	Make a three count 1/2 turn to the left with a left foot lead

6.	1	Right foot step forward (rock forward)
		and twist body slightly to the left
	2	Rock back on left foot and twist back to center
	3&4	Make a three count 1/2 turn to the right with a right foot lead

7.	1	Cross-rock left foot over in front of right foot
	2	Rock back on to left foot
	3&4	Sashay (sideward shuffle) to the left with a left foot lead
		(begin a 1/4 turn to the left)

8.	1	Cross right foot over left foot and complete a 1/4 turn to the left
	2	With weight on right foot,
		make a 1/2 pivot turn to the left and transfer weight to right foot
	3&4	Make a three count shuffle step back with a right foot lead

Variations: There is plenty of room for extra turns and variations in this
dance for intermediate and advanced dancers.

Suggested Dance Style: The Cha Cha Basique is as the name implies, a 'basic'
Cha Cha pattern dance. It is best performed to Cha Cha type music or slow
Bluzy music with lots of syncopated riffs in the suggested MPM/BPM Tempo
range. The dance is performed at a slow tempo with all steps being performed
short, quick and sharp. Arm movements are optional as long as they do not
detour from the dance.

Suggested Music: The Cha Cha Basique was not choreographed to any particular
song; so it can be performed to most any straight forward Cha Cha's.

Comments: The Cha Cha Basique was not necessarily 'choreographed' but instead
'arranged'. Cha Cha Basique was developed by the arranger for his basic
ballroom dance class. The dance consists of four 'basic' Cha Cha patterns/steps
put together in such a way that the patterns can be repeated and practiced
without stopping. Thus giving Cha Cha dancers a valuable practice 'dance' to
practice their steps. The Cha Cha Basique is a very good beginning level line dance.

More Comments: The rhythm throughout the Cha Cha Basique line dance is that
of a Cha Cha with a slow, slow, quick, quick, quick, and rhythm. In most
cases a slow step usually signifies two beats and a quick step signifies
one be. But the true definition of slows and quicks, they are relative to
each other in that a quick is half the length of a slow no matter how long
the slow is. So in the case of the Cha Cha and Cha Cha Basique, the slows
are equal to one beat and the quicks are equal to ½ a beat. This is true
because one basic pattern of two slows, three quicks and a pause takes four
full beats- one measure of music Therefore the rhythm pattern of the dance
is as follows:

			Beats: 1 2 3 & 4 & -
			Rhythm: slow, slow, quick, quick, quick, and -

NOTE: If you remember that this Cha Cha rhythm is performed continually
throughout the Cha Cha Basique line dance and the dance will be quite a
bit simpler to learn and to perform..


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.