Cowboy Round-Up Choreographed by Linda De Ford 1986 Mixer Dance using predominately the Shuffle/Polka Pattern. Begin- ning Position is Man to Inside, Lady to Outside, both facing forward L.O.D., Left hands joined and Right hands joined by placing Man's Right arm across Lady's shoulders and holding her hand at a comfort- able level for both. This Position is called by several names, most commonly known by NTA term "Side-By-Side". Recommended Music: Any Polka or Shuffle ("Hummingbird" is a great one once they have learned it!) Beginner level mixer great for breaking the ice. COUNT FOOT DESCRIPTION 1 - 2 R Stomp, Kick. 3 & 4 RLR Shuffle Step (Progression recommended but not required). 5 - 6 L Stomp, Kick. 7 & 8 LRL Shuffle Step (Progression recommended but not required). VERBAL CUES: STOMP, KICK, SHUFFLE STEP, STOMP, KICK, SHUFFLE STEP 9 & 10 RLR Shuffle Steps forward maintaining Side-By-Side Position. 11 & 12 LRL Shuffle Steps forward maintaining Side-By-Side Position. 13 & 14 RLR Shuffle Steps forward maintaining Side-By-Side Position. 15 & 16 LRL Shuffle Steps forward maintaining Side-By-Side Position. VERBAL CUES: FORWARD 1 (ALLOW TIME FOR 1ST SHUFFLE, 2 (SAME), 3 (SAME), 4 (SAME) 17 & 18 RLR Both Shuffle Step as Man begins to Turn Lady to her Right. 19 & 20 LRL Both Shuffle Step as Lady finishes 360 Turn, hands do not release. 21 & 22 RLR Both Shuffle Step fwd, arms Crossed in front of body. 23 & 24 LRL Both Shuffle Step fwd, arms Crossed in front of body. VERBAL CUES: TURN THE LADY (1ST SHUFFLE), TURN THE LADY (2ND SHUFFLE), FORWARD, FORWARD 25 & 26 RLR Both Shuffle as Man moves to Outside Floor under both Ladies arms as Lady moves to Inside Floor. 27 & 28 LRL Man completes Right side movement as Lady moves to Inside Floor. 29 & 30 RLR Both Shuffle forward in Crossed arm Position. 31 & 32 LRL Both Shuffle forward in Crossed arm Position. VERBAL CUES: MAN UNDER (1ST SHUFFLE), SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE 33 & 34 RLR Shuffle Pattern as Couple rotates Clockwise 180 degrees, maintaining Crossed arm Position. 35 & 36 LRL Shuffle Pattern finishing rotation of 180 degrees (now back is to LOD). Man is on Inside of Floor at this point and Lady to Outside. 37 & 38 RLR Shuffle Step backward (moving down L.O.D.) 39 & 40 LRL Shuffle Step backward (moving down L.O.D.) VERBAL CUES: ROTATE (1ST SHUFFLE), ROTATE (2ND SHUFFLE), GO BACK, BACK 41 & 42 RLR Shuffle Step for both moving down L.O.D. as you Quarter Turn Left (Man releasing his Left hand from her Left hand). 43 & 44 LRL Shuffle Step for both Turning Quarter Turn Left, Bringing Man's Right arm over Ladies head and finishing with Right arm in front of Lady. Both are now facing forward L.O.D. (not much progression on Steps 41-44 until you have practiced the Dance and can add the progression as you Turn). 45 & 46 RLR Man gently guides Lady backward with his Right hand (Ladies, give him some frame to work with here) Both Shuffle Step, Man forward and Lady backward, releasing Right hands after he intiates the Lead. 47 & 48 LRL Both Shuffle Step, Lady backward to New Partner and Man forward to New Partner. VERBAL CUES: CHANGE (1ST SHUFFLE), PARTNERS (2ND SHUFFLE), SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE Repeat, beginning with Stomp, Kick on the Right foot.