CHOREOGRAPHER: Charles Bender (
TYPE: Partner
MUSIC: Their Hearts Are Dancing by The Forester Sisters (preferred)
Could I Have This Dance by Anne Murray
Any slow, graceful waltz
1-3 L-R-L Step forward, standard waltz steps
4-6 R-L-R Step back, standard waltz steps
7-9 L-R-L Step left forward making 1/4 turn
(facing outside line of dance),
step right to left side behind left,
step left to left, shoulder width from right
10-12 R-L-R Step right to left side, crossing over left,
step left to left, step right beside left
13-15 L-R-L Step left to right side crossing over right,
step right to right,
step left beside right,
moving reverse line of dance (RLOD) direction
16-18 R-L-R Step right to left side crossing over the left,
step left to left side, step right beside left
19-21 L-R-L Step left to left, step right behind left,
step left to left turning 1/4 turn facing line of dance (LOD)
Release left hands, and during the turn pass right hands overhead
22-24 R-L-R Step right forward turning 1/4 turn facing inside LOD,
step left to right crossing behind right, step right beside left
After passing clasped hands down, recatch free hands on step 24
25-27 L-R-L Step left to right side behind right, step right to right,
step left to right behind right turning 1/4 turn facing RLOD
Release right hands and recatch after turns,
pass left hands overhead during both turns
28-30 R-L-R Step right straight back,
step left back turning 1/4 turn pivoting on ball of left foot,
turn CCW stepping with right slightly ahead of left toward LOD
31-33 L-R-L Step forward, standard waltz steps
34-36 R-L-R Step back, standard waltz steps
37-39 L-R-L Man circles woman in CW direction making 1/4 rotation
Man should indicate CCW turn for woman while releasing left hand
(Gentlemen should lead)
Woman pivots CCW stepping left behind right on first step
Woman is to remain inside of man's circle move
Right hands are raised over the womans head, flats of palms touching
40-42 R-L-R Man continues circling woman to complete half the circle
facing back LOD crossing right in front of left on count 40
Woman continues turning to face back LOD
43-45 L-R-L Man completes another 1/4 rotation CW around woman
Woman continues to 3/4 pivot position
46-48 L-R-L Man steps to the side of woman facing LOD
Woman completes pivot to face LOD as man completes circle
Single dancer option:
All steps can be done by single dancer except the Carrousel turns.
Employ simple turns instead of tandem turns, while facing in
appropriate directions.
Use the diamond star described below instead of the Carrousel turns.
37-39 L-R-L Step forward left turn (face inside LOD)
40-42 R-L-R Step back right turn (face reverse LOD)
43-45 L-R-L Step forward left turn (face outside LOD)
46-48 R-L-R Step back right turn (face toward LOD)
NOTE: My objective was to slow down and elongate all
turns and moves to emphasize the graceful flow of the waltz steps.
For those with other motives, I add this amendment of variations.
For the more advanced dancer, wanting to add some challenge to this dance:
1. Perform two or more turns in 12 steps instead of one for the tandem turns.
(not as graceful for most)
2. The man and woman can make two revolutions in the carrousel turn
instead of one. (pretty tough for the man)
3. On the standard waltz steps, man can turn the woman 1/2 turn to left
and back again, for a facing move. Hands will be crossed when couple
is facing each other. (the woman may not like it)
4. Use faster music, but I think the number selected, or similar BPM waltz,
is the best for these moves.
This is my first attempt at choreography, and I hope everyone
that tries this dance enjoys it. My intent, in using the suggested
song and in the steps employed, is to represent the waltz as the
graceful and flowing dance, it was meant to be. The tandem turns
are intended to be delayed, the carrousel turn is intended to have
the man and woman relate to each other with their eyes and hands
and steps.
This dance is copyrighted (c)1998 by Charles Bender. Use by dance
instructors (in teaching dance classes) and students (for personal use)
is permitted, but inclusion in printed compilations for sale is not
permitted. Web sites may contain this step sheet if the site is
From: (Jim Hart)
Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown
Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown.
All rights reserved.
Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer.
This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.