aka's: Ghost Bustin'

CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Arlington, Texas, October, 1993
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Advanced Beginner
MUSIC: Ghost Busters by Ray Parker Junior-120 BPM (preferred)
	Cow Cow Boogie by The Judds-108 BPM
	Reggae Cowboy by The Bellamy Brothers

Dance Step Description: Four corner type line dance.
All dancers start off in single file lines all facing LOD.
It is recommended that dancers read the comment section first before
proceeding with learning the dance it will help greatly.



1.	1	Left foot step behind right foot
	2	Right foot step to the side
	3	Left foot step across right foot
	4	Right heel touch forward - slightly to the side


2.	1	Right foot step behind left foot
	2	Left foot step to the side
	3	Right foot step across left foot
	4	Left heel touch forward - slightly to the side

3.	1	Left foot step cross right foot
	2	Right heel touch forward - slightly to the side
	3	Right foot step across left foot
	4	Left heel touch forward - slightly to the side

4.	1	Left foot step back
	2	Right foot step back
	3	Left foot step back
	&	Right foot step back
	4	Left foot step across right foot

5.	1	Right foot step to the side
	2	Left foot step behind right foot
	3	Right foot step to the side and make a 1/4 turn right
	4	Kick left foot forward

6.	1	Left foot step back and make a 1/2 turn left
	2	Right foot step forward and make a 1/2 turn left
	3	Left foot step back and make a 1/2 turn left
	4	Kick right foot forward

7.	1	Right foot step over left foot
	&	Left foot step to the side
	2	Shift weight on to right foot
	3	Left foot step over right foot
	&	Right foot step to the side
	4	Shift weight on to left foot

8.	1	Right foot step over left foot
	2	Left foot step straight back and begin a 1/2 turn right
	3	Right foot step back and finish 1/2 turn right
	&	Scoot forward right foot lead
	4	Scoot forward right foot lead

Variations: Turns may be performed during the vine steps and three steps backwards.
Extra turns can also be added to existing turns. The variations of the
dance goes with the tempos in which the dance is performed to.
See Suggested Dance Style.

Suggested Dance Style: As the title of the dance suggested, in this dance
you are "Bustin' Out" of the normal realm of  line dances that suggest that
you perform in a certain way. When performing Bustin' Out to slower tempos
(i.e. Cow Cow Boogie- 108 BPM),  keep the laid back 'western' line dance
style foremost and expressed. When performing to jazzier tempos
(i.e. Ghost Busters- 120 BPM), express the 'Ghost Buster' style with arched
back and hyper-extended legs during the heel touches. And when performing to
faster tempos (i.e. Boot Scootin' Boogie/Cheatin' Heart- 132 BPM),
just performing the steps at that tempo will be challenging enough,
the funkier the music the better. Keep knees bent, express the heel touches
and keep the scoots and turns quick and sharp.

Comments: Bustin' Out was originally named Ghost Bustin', but the name was
changed because the dance can be performed to a variety of songs and tempos
and should be performed year round and not just at Halloween.

From:	Chris_Hookie@cor.gov

Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.