BUSTIN' LOOSE CHOREOGRAPHER: Scott Blevins - 219-922-6398 COUNT: 48 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Cowboy Love by John Michael Montgomery Let Me Drive by Greg Holland Dance starts facing 12:00 HIP BUMPS 1 With feet shoulder width apart, bump right hip to right 2 Bump right hip to right 3 Bump right hip to right 4 Bump right hip to right and clap 5 With feet shoulder width apart, bump left hip to left 6 Bump left hip to left 7 Bump left hip to left 8 Bump left hip to left and clap RIGHT ROLLING VINE, TOUCH, LEFT ROLLING VINE, BRUSH 9 Step right foot to right side making 1/4 turn to right 10 Pivoting on right foot, swing left leg around to complete a CW 1/4 turn and place weight on left foot 11 Pivoting on left foot, swing right leg around to complete a CW 1/2 turn and place weight on right foot (completing 360° CW) 12 Touch left foot next to right foot 13 Step left foot to left side making 1/4 turn to left 14 Pivoting on left foot, swing right leg around to complete a CCW 1/4 turn and place weight on right foot 15 Pivoting on right foot, swing left leg around to complete a CCW 1/2 turn and place weight on left foot (completing 360° CCW) 16 Brush right foot next to left foot RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP, TURN, STEP, TURN 17&18 Step right foot forward, drag left foot to right foot, step right foot forward 19 Step forward on left foot 20 Pivot 1/2 turn to right on ball of right foot 21 Step forward on left foot 22 Pivot 1/2 turn to right on ball of right foot LEFT-RIGHT, CLAP, GRIND, HEEL, HEEL &23 Step forward left, step right foot next to Left foot, with feet about a shoulder width apart 24 Clap 25-26 Grind hips CCW one rotation in two counts with weight ending on left foot 27 Bounce right heel 28 Bounce right heel 29&30 In place at a 45° angle to right, step on ball of right foot, step on ball of left foot, step on right foot 31&32 In place at a 45° angle to left, step on ball of left foot, step on ball of right foot, step on left foot RIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGES 33&34 Remain at 45° angle and kick right foot forward, step down on ball of right foot, shift weight to left foot 35&36 Remain at 45° angle and kick right foot forward, step down on ball of right foot, shift weight to left foot CROSS, KICK. CROSS, KICK, CROSS, 3/4 TURN LEFT 37 Cross right foot in front of left foot 38 Facing 12:00, kick left foot to left side 39 Cross left foot in front of right foot 40 Kick right foot to right side 41 Cross right foot in front of left foot 42 Pivot 3/4 turn to left ending with weight on right foot (3:00) LEFT-RIGHT, CLAP, STEP, DIG, DROP, 1/2 TURN RIGHT, CLAP &43 Step forward Left, step right next to left 44 Clap &45 Step back on left foot, touch (dig) right heel forward 46 Drop right toe to floor, putting weight on right foot 47 Cross left foot in front of right foot 48 Pivot (unwind) 1/2 turn to right (9:00) REPEAT From: CCMChicago@aol.com Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm