aka's: Katie Bug Cha Cha
CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Allen, Texas, October, 1998
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate
MUSIC: Theme From A Summer Place by Liberace-136 BPM (preferred)
I'm From The Country by Tracy Byrd
We Really Shouldn't Be Doin' This by George Strait
Any Latin rhythm above 32 MPM (128 BPM) is recommended
Dance Step Description: four directional type line dance.
All dancers start off either in single file lines facing LOD.
1. 1 Left foot step to the side
& Slide right foot center
2& Left foot step to the side
3 Right foot cross behind left foot
& Transfer weight onto the ball of the right foot
4 Shift weight forward onto left foot
(counts 3&4 is a slow ball-change)
2. 5 Right foot step to the side and begin 1/4 turn left
& Slide left foot center and continue 1/4 turn left
6 Right foot step slightly back to complete 1/4 turn left
7 Left foot step straight back and make 1/2 pivot turn left
8 Step forward on right foot
3. 1-2 Lift left foot and lunge to the left and slowly
drag right foot next to left foot with no weight
3 Step right foot over left foot
& With feet still crossed slide left foot next to right foot
4& With feet still crossed step right foot to the side
4. 5 Step left foot and shift weight to the left side
6 Shift weight to right foot
7 Step left foot over right foot
& With feet still crossed slide right foot next to left foot
8& With feet still crossed - step left foot to the side
5. 1 Right foot step to the side
2 Keeping left toe on the ground -
bend left knee towards right knee and return to center
3 Keeping right toe on the ground -
bend right knee towards left knee and return to center
6. 4 Right foot step to the side
& Slide left foot center
5& Right foot step to the side and make a 1/4 turn right
6 Left foot step forward and make a 1/2 pivot turn right
7 Right foot step straight back
7. 8&1& Left foot Back-Ball-Change
2 Right foot step forward make a 1/2 pivot turn left
3 Left foot step forward make a 1/2 pivot turn left
4&5& Shuffle forward right foot lead
8. 6 Left foot step forward
7 1/4 pivot turn right
8 Touch-up left foot center
Step Count:
Steps 1&2: 1&2&, 3,4, 5&6&, 7,8 (cha cha breaks on 3 & 7)
Steps 3&4: 1-2, 3&4&, 5,6, 7&8& (cha cha breaks on 1 & 5)
Steps 5 1,2,3, (3 count bridge)
Steps 6&7 4&5&, 6,7, 8&1&, 2,3, 4&5& (cha cha breaks on 6 & 2)
Steps 8 6,7,8 (3 count bridge)
Variations: Lots of turns can be added throughout the dance so intermediate
through advanced dancers should remain happy for a long time.
Suggested Dance Style: There is a strong Latin and Modern Jazz influence in
this dance. Keep all steps small especially during faster tempos because
the dance takes up a lot of space and you could loose your balance.
Spot turning in Steps #6 & #7 are a must.
Comments: Breakin' The Breaks was an extremely challenging dance to choreograph.
After hearing dancers continually arguing about how a Couple's Cha Cha should
be performed - breaking on '1', '2', or '3' the choreographer decided to
incorporate all three 'breaking' patterns into one dance therefore
"Breaking The Breaks." Steps #1 - #4 are pretty straight forward with normal
'line dance' cha cha breaks. Line dancers who are not familiar with couple
dance cha cha breaks on '2' will find steps #5 - #8 a bit of a challenge.
Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown
Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown.
All rights reserved.
Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer.
This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.