BIG GREEN MONSTER WALTZ CHOREOGRAPHER: Jodi Wittman COUNT: 48 TYPE: 1 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Advanced Beginner/Beginning Intermediate MUSIC: Stars Over Texas by Tracy Lawrence-96bpm Rock 'N' Roll Waltz by Scooter Lee-102bpm Tucson Too Soon by Tracy Byrd-104bpm Their Hearts Are Dancing by Forester Sisters-110bpm Any other waltz between 90-110bpm Note: Everyone should start in one (or two, depending on the floor space) line, with dancers shoulder to shoulder, facing either the front or back wall. It helps create a kaleidoscope effect. AKA Baseball Waltz. There are several other dances with the baseball theme, so I tried a new name. Picture a baseball diamond when dancing or teaching. WALTZ STEPS TO PITCHER, FIRST BASE, PITCHER, SECOND BASE 1-3 Step forward left, right, left (to pitcher) 4-6 Turn 1/4 left and step backward right, left, right (to 1st base) 7-9 Step forward left, right, left (to pitcher) 10-12 Turn 1/4 left and step backward right, left, right (to 2nd base) Note: You have made a half wall turn, always facing "in". WALTZ STEPS TO PITCHER, THIRD BASE, PITCHER, HOME 13-15 Step forward left, right, left (to pitcher) 16-18 Turn 1/4 left and step backward right, left, right (to 3rd base) 19-21 Step forward left, right, left (to pitcher) 22-24 Turn 1/4 left and step backward right, left, right (to home) Note: You have made another half wall turn, always facing "in", and should be back at your original wall. You should also be back in one long line, shoulder to shoulder with the other dancers. DIAGONAL WALTZ STEPS TO THIRD BASE, SECOND BASE, FIRST BASE, HOME 25-27 Step forward at left diagonal left, right, left (to 3rd base) 28-30 Turn 1/4 left and step backward at right diagonal right, left, right (to 2nd base) Note: You have made a half wall turn, facing "out" at 3rd base, and facing "in" at 2nd base. 31-33 (Turn 1/2 left) Step forward at left diagonal left, right, left (to 1st base) 34-36 Turn 1/4 left and step backward at right diagonal right, left, right (to home) Note: You have made another half wall turn, facing "out" at 1st base, and facing "in" at home. You should be back at your original wall. You should also be back in one long line, shoulder to shoulder with the other dancers. WALTZ STEPS TO PITCHER, SECOND BASE, PITCHER, HOME 37-39 Step forward left, right, left while making 1/2 turn to left (to pitcher) 40-42 Step backward right, left, right (to 2nd base) 43-45 Step forward left, right, left while making 1/2 turn to left (to pitcher) 46-48 Step backward right, left, right (to home) Note: Counts 37-48 are exactly the same as the waltz steps in "Waltz Across Texas" REPEAT From: (Jodi Wittman) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown