BEAUTIFUL LIES CHOREOGRAPHER: Edward Lawton (UK - 01782 861034) COUNT: 26 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner MUSIC: Beautiful Lies by Sweethearts Of The Rodeo WIGGLE STEPS 1&2 Step diagonally forward on Right bumping hips right, left, right 3&4 Step diagonally forward on Left bumping hips left, right, left 5&6 Step diagonally forward on Right bumping hips right, left, right 7&8 Step diagonally forward on Left bumping hips left, right, left SHUFFLE TURN 1/2 CCW, ROCK, SHUFFLE TURN 1/2 CW, ROCK TURN 1/4 CCW 9&10 Shuffle forward on Right, Left, Right while turning 1/2 turn left over left shoulder 11 Rock back onto Left 12 Rock forward onto Right 13&14 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left while turning 1/2 turn right over right shoulder 15 Rock back onto Right 16 Rock forward onto Left while turning 1/4 turn left SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, ROCK, TURN 1/2 CW, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE 17&18 Shuffle forward on Right, Left, Right 19&20 Shuffle forward on Left, Right, Left 21 Rock forward onto Right 22 Rock back onto Left while turning 1/2 turn right over right shoulder 23&24 Shuffle forward on Right, Left, Right 25&26 Shuffle forward on Left, Right, Left REPEAT Notes: The tempo of the music is slow and encourages you to put lots of body style into the dance. Sheet History & Credits 8 Aug 97 John Walton - Edited from choreographer's paper step sheet and as danced by choreographer at Barton Hall (UK), July '97. From: (J Walton) Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown