BAR "C" CHOREOGRAPHER: Charles Bowring COUNT: 40 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: American Honky Tonk Bar Association by Garth Brooks TOUCH, HITCH WITH 1/4 TURN, TOUCH, HITCH WITH 1/4 TURN, REPEAT 1 Touch left in place 2 Hitch left making 1/4 turn left 3 Touch left in place 4 Hitch left making 1/4 turn left 5 Touch left in place 6 Hitch left making 1/4 turn left 7 Touch left in place 8 Hitch left making 1/4 turn left BACK THREE, TOUCH 9 Walk back left 10 Walk back right 11 Walk back left 12 Touch right beside left TOUCH, HITCH WITH 1/4 TURN, TOUCH, HITCH WITH 1/4 TURN, REPEAT 13 Touch right in place 14 Hitch right making 1/4 turn right 15 Touch right in place 16 Hitch right making 1/4 turn right 17 Touch right in place 18 Hitch right making 1/4 turn right 19 Touch right in place 20 Hitch right making 1/4 turn right BACK THREE, TOUCH 21 Walk back right 22 Walk back left 23 Walk back right 24 Touch left in place FORWARD THREE, TOUCH 25 Walk forward left 26 Walk forward right 27 Walk forward left 28 Touch right next to left RIGHT VINE, TOUCH 29 Step right to right side 30 Cross left behind right 31 Step right to right side 32 Touch left in place next to right LEFT VINE WITH 1/4 TURN, STOMP 33 Step left to left side 34 Cross right behind left 35 Step left to side making 1/4 turn left 36 Stomp right in place next to left FAN RIGHT, FAN LEFT 37 Keeping right heel in place, point right toe out 38 Right toe back to center 39 Keeping left heel in place, point left toe out 40 Left toe back to center (transfering weight to right foot) REPEAT Variation 1:- try making 1/2 turns instead of 1/4 turns on sections 1 & 3 Variation 2:-Section 6 right vine Change for a 3 beat slide, and ball change If you can think of any interesting variations then give it a go Step sheet formatted by Don & Patti Brown from description provided by Matt Green