TOUCH-AND-GO CHOREOGRAPHER: Todd Lescarbeau COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate MUSIC: So Young by The Corrs When The Lights Go Out by Five Who Is He? by Dr. Ronnie Barnes TOE TOUCHES AND LOCK STEPS 1& Touch right toe forward, step right beside left 2& Touch left toe forward, step beside right 3&4 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right 5& Touch left toe forward, step beside right 6& Touch right forward, step beside left 7&8 Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left FUNKY PADDLE TURN 3/4 TO THE LEFT, STEP, SLIDE, 3/4 TURN TO THE LEFT &1 Turning 1/4 left raise right knee, touch out to side with right toe &2 Hitch knee, turn 1/4 left touching right toe out to side & Continue to turn another 1/4 and hitch knee 3&4 Touch right toe out to side, hitch knee, touch right toe beside left 5 Step to right on right foot 6 Slide left foot so that it passes behind right foot (take weight on left foot) 7-8 On balls of both feet, turn 3/4 to the left (bouncing slightly-two beats) SIDE TOUCHES AND SHUFFLES 1&2 Touch right toe out to side, step right beside left, touch left out to side 3&4 Shuffle forward left, right, left 5&6 Touch right toe out to side, step right beside left, touch left out to side 7&8 Shuffle forward left, right, left CHASSE STEP FORWARD WITH A HITCH, CHASSE STEP FORWARD 1/4 TURN AND HITCH 1-2 Stomp forward on right, hold 1 beat and clap &3-4 Close left foot up to right, step forward on right, hitch left knee 5-6 Stomp forward on left, hold 1 beat and clap &7 Close right up to left, step forward on left 8 Turn 1/4 left hitching right knee now facing (3:00) REPEAT When executing the "funky paddle turn", there is upper body movement. The right shoulder will follow the right toe. For example: when touching out to side, the right shoulder should be lowered (left shoulder will be raised). As the right knee hitches, the right shoulder is raised (left shoulder is lowered). Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown