S.W.F. CHOREOGRAPHER: Jan "Stray Cat" Brookfield COUNT: 48 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate MUSIC: The Hotstepper by Ini Kamose Single White Female by Chely Wright KICK BALL CROSS, SCOOTS BACK, SIDE TOUCH STEPS 1 Kick right forward & Step back on ball of right 2 Step left across right 3&4 Scoot back on left twice, touch right to side 5-6 Step right across left, touch left to side 7-8 Step left across right, stomp up right in place (weight remains on left) HEEL SWITCHES TRAVELING BACK, 1/2 PIVOT TURNS TWICE 9&10 Tap right heel forward, step back on right, tap left heel forward &11 Step back on left, tap right heel forward &12 Step back on right, tap left heel forward & Step back on left 13-14 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn to left 15-16 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn to left HEEL & TOE SWITCHES WITH 1/4 TURN LEFT, STEP SLIDES & CLAPS 17&18 Tap right heel forward, step on right in place, tap left toe back & Step on left in place 19 Tap right toe back turning 1/4 left & Step right in place 20& Tap left heel forward, step on left in place 21-22 Step right forward at 45°, slide left up to right and clap 23-24 Step left forward at 45°, slide right up to left and clap OUT, OUT, IN, IN & SIDE STEP TOUCH COMBINATION &25 Step right out to side, step left out to side &26 Step right in place, step left in place 27-28 Step right to side, slide left up to touch right 29-30 Step left to side, slide right up to touch left &31 Step right out to side, step left out to side &32 Step right in place, step left in place HITCHES, SHIMMIES & SAILOR STEPS TO RIGHT & LEFT 33-34 Hitch right knee across left leg, step right to side 35&36 Shimmy shoulders (or bump hips) right, left, right 37 Step left behind right & Step right back slightly 38 Step left to side 39 Step right behind left turning 1/4 left & Step left to side 40 Step right to side 41-42 Hitch left knee across right leg, step left to side 43&44 Shimmy shoulders (or bump hips) left, right, left 45 Step right behind left & Step left back slightly 46 Step right to side 47 Step left behind right turning 1/4 left & Step right to side 48 Step left to side REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/CactusStar/home.htm