CHOREOGRAPHER: The Finleys, Providence, RI
COUNT: 64 
TYPE: Partner Flow Dance 
LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate
MUSIC:  One Night At A Time by George Strait-106bpm
	Any slow to moderate ballad (around 100bpm)
NOTE: Begin in Sweetheart position, holding left hands extended out to the 
left and right hands extended to the right. Footwork for the initial portion
of the dance is identical for both men and women, switches to opposite
footwork for the middle portions, and then switches back to like footwork.


1	Step Left
2	Cross behind Right
3	Step Left
4	Brush
5	Cross Right in front of Left
6	Step back on Left
7	Step Right
8	Left
9	Step Right
10	Cross behind Left
11	Step Right
12	Brush
13	Cross Left in front of Right
14	Step back on Right
15	Step Left
16	Man:	Step with Right foot, start to turn 1/4 
		turn to left to face Lady (and outside LOD)
	Lady:	Right brush, start to turn 1/4 turn to right
		to face Man (and inside LOD)
Note: On Opposite Footwork. Couple can begin to start 1/4 turn
to face each other on beat 16, completing the turn on beat 17.
This turn should be done slowly and smoothly. Hands should be
changed so that Man's Left Hand is holding Lady's Right
(closest to LOD) and Man's Right Hand is holding Lady's Left

17	Step along Line of Dance Left	Step along Line of Dance Right
18	Right Behind Left		Left Behind Right
19	Left				Right
20	Right in Front of Left		Left in Front of Right
21	Left				Right
22	Right Behind Left		Left Behind Right
23	Left				Right
24	Right next to Left		Left next to Right 
	(Holding hands)	
Note: Man and Lady will be facing each other, with the Man facing the 
Outside LOD and Lady facing Inside LOD. Man will be holding Lady's Right
Hand in his Left hand, extending slightly to his left, and holding her Left 
Hand in his Right Hand, extending slightly to his right.

25	Point Left foot to the left	Point Right foot to the right
26	Point back			Point forward
27	Step with Left foot turning 	Step with Right foot turning 
	1/4 turn CCW to Left		1/4 turn CW to Right
28	Brush right			Brush left
	Keep holding hands for 25 & 26, dropping lead (towards LOD)
	hands for 27 & 28.
	Keep holding hands for 25 & 26, dropping lead (towards LOD)
	hands for 27 & 28.
 	(Position after these steps is with the	Man and Lady facing
	LOD holding inside hands)
29	Step Right across left		Step Left across right
30	Step back on Left		Step back on Right
31	Step with Right turning 	Step with Left turning   
	1/4 turn CW to right 		1/4 turn CCW to left 
	to face partner			to face partner
32	Pick up lead hands,	 	Pick up lead hands,
	(towards LOD) 			(towards LOD)
	step left next to right		step right next to left 
	(Position after these steps is identical to that after step 24)

33	Point Right foot to the right	Point Left foot to the right
34	Point forward			Point back
35	Step with Right foot turning 	Step with Left foot turning 
	1/4 turn CW to right		1/4 turn CCW to Left
36	Brush left			Brush right
	Keep holding hands for 33 & 34, dropping lead (towards LOD)
	hands for 35 & 36.
	Keep holding hands for 33 & 34, dropping lead (towards LOD)
	hands for 35 & 36.
 	(Position after these steps is with the Man and Lady facing
	LOD holding inside hands)
37	Step Left across right		Step Right across left
38	Step back on Right		Step back on Left
39	Step with Left turning  	Step with Right turning 
	1/4 turn CCW to left 		1/4 turn CW to right 
	to face partner			to face partner
40	Step with Right foot 		Brush with Left foot
	Drop trailing hands	 	(No weight change)

Note: After these steps couple is facing each other and holding hands that 
are closest to the LOD (Man's Left Hand and Lady's Right) and are back on 
identical footwork. Man is facing Outside LOD, Lady Inside LOD

41&42	Triple step Left, Right, Left,	Triple step Left, Right, Left, 
	across LOD in front of Lady	across LOD in behind man. 
	Lift hands for an overhead	Lift hands for an overhead 
	pass over the Man's head	pass over the Man's head
43&44	Triple step Right, Left, Right, Triple step Right, Left, Right, 
	completing overhead turn, 	completing overhead turn, 
	and turning to face partner 	and turning to face partner 
	again (facing inside LOD) 	again (but now facing outside LOD)
	Offer Right Hand (towards LOD)	Offer Left Hand (towards LOD)
	and drop left hand.		and drop right hand.
45&46	Triple step Left, Right, Left, 	Triple step Left, Right, Left,
	across LOD in behind Lady	across LOD in front of man. 
	Lift hands for an overhead 	Lift hands for an overhead 
	pass over the Man's head	passover the Man's head
47&48	Triple step Right, Left, Right, Triple step Right, Left, Right,
	completing overhead turn, 	completing overhead turn, 
	and turning to face partner  	and turning to face partner 
	again (facing inside LOD) 	again (but now facing outside LOD)
	Offer Right Hand (towards LOD)	Offer Left Hand (towards LOD)
	and drop left hand.		and drop right hand.
	Begin to reset into 		Begin to reset into 
	Sweetheart position.		Sweetheart position.
Note: Resume Sweetheart Position after completing both overhead turns. 
Couple will now be on like footwork again. This sequence should be done 
with a lot of "style" and flow (especially with the arms) Couple will be 
facing LOD in original position.

49&50	Shuffle Left, Right, Left	Shuffle Left, Right, Left
51&52	Shuffle Right, Left, Right	Shuffle Right, Left, Right
	in Sweetheart position		in Sweetheart position
53-56	Step Left, Right, Left, Right	Step 1/4 turn to left with Left
	Drop Left hands and raise	foot to face outside LOD
	right hands on first step and	Step 1/2 turn to Left with Right foot
	turn lady 1 full slow turn CW	(now facing inside LOD)
	(to her right)			Complete full CW turn by stepping
					1/4 to Left with Left foot to face LOD
					Step with Right Foot (bring to Left foot),
					returning to sweetheart position
57	Kick with Left foot
58	Cross Left foot over Right knee
59	Kick with Left foot
60	Step to back and place Left foot next to Right foot 
61	Kick with Right foot
62	Cross Right over Left knee
63	Kick with Right foot
64	Step to back and place Right foot next to Left foot
From: (Lynn Finley)

Reformatted for display on web site 
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown