NICKELS & DIMES CHOREOGRAPHER: Pat Labor COUNT: 64 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Three Nickels & a Dime by Ricky Lynn Gregg Cowboys Like a Little Rock & Roll by Chris LeDoux CROSS & POINT TWICE, 1/2 JAZZ BOX, 2 STOMPS 1,2 Right foot steps in front of left, point left to left side 3,4 Left foot steps in front of right, point right to right side 5,6 Right foot steps in front of left, step back with left 7,8 Two stomps on right TWO JUMPING JACKS, 1/2 TURN EACH 9-12 Jump feet apart, jump & cross right over left, unwind 1/2 left to face back 13-16 Jump feet apart, jump & cross right over left, unwind 1/2 left to face back SLAPS, CLAPS, ROCK RECOVER & TURN 1/2 17-20 Brush hands back on hips, forward on hips, clap twice 21-24 Rock forward on right, recover on left, step back on right to turn 1/2 turn right, step left beside right 25-28 Brush hands back on hips, forward on hips, clap twice 29-32 Rock forward on right, recover on left, step back on right to turn 1/2 turn right, step left beside right DOG PADDLES 33-36 Step back on right, chug back on right, step back on left, chug back on left 37-40 Step back on right, chug back on right, step back on left, chug back on left For styling, keep knees turned out as you chug & step one foot directly behind the other FAST WALKS, ROCK RECOVER WITH 1/4 TURN, SLAP LEATHER 41-44 Four fast walks forward (right left right left) 45-48 Slow rock forward on right, recover on left with 1/4 turn left 49-52 Bend right foot behind left knee, slap with left, touch it down, cross right in front of left knee, slap with left hand, touch right foot to right side 53-56 Four fast walks forward (right left right left) 57-60 Slow rock forward on right, recover on left with 1/4 turn left 61-64 Bend right foot behind left knee, slap with left, touch it down, cross right in front of left knee, slap with left hand, touch right foot to right side REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown