MY EVERYTHING CHOREOGRAPHER: Sue Bromley COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: My First, My Last, My Everything by Barry White Do the tag on every other wall (walls 2, 4, etc.) STOMP, HOLD, SHUFFLE TWICE 1-2 Stomp right foot forward, hold 3&4 Step forward on left foot, slide right up to left, step forward on left foot 5-6 Stomp right foot forward, hold 7&8 Step forward on left foot, slide right up to left, step forward on left foot RIGHT FORWARD, SIDE, TRIPLE, LEFT FORWARD, SIDE, TRIPLE 9-10 Touch right toe forward then to the side 11&12 Triple step right, left, right 13-14 Touch left toe forward then to the side 15&16 Triple step left, right, left HEEL BALL CROSSES, ROCKS AND SAILOR STEPS TWICE 17&18 Present right heel forward, step right next to left, cross left over right 19&20 Present right heel forward, step right next to left, cross left over right 21-22 Rock right foot to right side, recover weight back onto left 23&24 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step down on right 25&26 Present left heel forward, step left next to right, cross right over left 27&28 Present left heel forward, step left next to right, cross right over left 29-30 Rock left foot to left side, recover weight back onto right 31&32 Step left behind right, step right to right side, step down on left FORWARD CLAP, BACK CLAP, BACK CLAP, FORWARD CLAP 33-34 Step right foot forward, touch left next to right and clap 35-36 Step back on left foot, touch right next to left and clap 37-38 Step back on right foot, touch left next to right and clap 39-40 Step forward on left foot, touch right next to left and clap 1/4 MONTEREY TURNS TWICE 41-42 Point right toe to right side, step right next to left turning 1/4 right 43-44 Point left toe to left side, step left foot beside right changing weight 45-46 Point right toe to right side, step right next to left turning 1/4 right 47-48 Point left toe to left side, step left foot beside right changing weight RIGHT HEEL HOOK RIGHT SHUFFLE, LEFT HEEL HOOK LEFT SHUFFLE 49-50 Present right heel forward, hook right across left leg 51&52 Shuffle forward right, left, right 53-54 Present left heel forward, hook left across right leg 55&56 Shuffle forward left, right, left CROSS ROCK 3/4 TURN SWITCHES AND HOLDS 57-58 Rock right foot over left, recover weight back onto left 59&60 Triple step right, left, right turning 3/4 right 61-62 Point left toe to left side, hold for 1 count 63-64 Point right toe to right side, hold for 1 count REPEAT TAG 1-2 Point left toe to left side, hold for 1 count 3-4 Point right toe to right side, hold for 1 count 5&6 Point left toe to left side, switch and point right toe to right side 7&8 Point left toe to left side, switch and point right toe to right side Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown