IT'S ALRIGHT CHOREOGRAPHER: Dee Cresdee, Ember Schira, S Smith COUNT: 48 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: It's Alright by Fernest and the Thunders 1 Kick right foot forward and slightly across left foot In subsequent repitions of the dance, you may scuff or brush the right foot forward. It's alright. 2 Step right foot over left foot 3 Plant left toe/ball behind right foot 4 Place left heel, take weight onto left foot & Pivot 1/4 turn to right (now facing 3:00) 5 Plant right heel forward 6 Snap right toe down and take weight 7 Plant left heel forward 8 Snap left toe down and take weight STEP ACROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, BALL CROSS, HIP SWAYS (4X) 9 Step right foot in front of and across left foot 10 Step left foot to the left 11 Step right foot behind and across left foot & Place left toe/ball to the left of and slightly behind right (take weight momentarily) 12 Step right foot in front of and across left foot 13 Step left foot to left and push (sway) hips to left 14 Change weight to right foot and sway hips to right 15 Change weight to left foot and sway hips to left 16 Change weight to right foot and sway hips to right ROCK FORWARD AND BACK, COASTER STEP, HEEL FRONT, SLAP, SCUFF, SLAP KNEE 17 Step forward onto left foot 18 Rock weight back onto right foot 19 Step left toe/ball back & Step right toe/ball beside left 20 Step forward onto left foot 21 Touch right heel forward 22 Swing right heel back and out and slap it with the right hand 23 Scuff right heel forward 24 Bring right knee up and slap right kne with right hand SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, BRUSH FORWARD, ACROSS & BACK, PLANT LEFT TOE/BALL, 360 DEGREE TURN 25 Step forward with right foot & Step left foot to right foot 26 Step forward with right foot 27 Brush left toe/ball forward 28 Brush left toe/ball across right foot with a diagonally backward motion 29 Plant left toe/ball beside and to right of right foot (crossed feet) 30-32 Slowly unwind to right in 360 degree turn. End with right foot crossed in front of left foot, weight on right SIDE LEFT, CLOSE RIGHT, DOUBLE SCOOT BACK (2X), SIDE RIGHT, CLOSE LEFT, DOUBLE SCOOT BACK (2X) 33 Step left foot to left 34 Close right foot to left 35-36 Scoot backwards two times with feet together You may take a long step back with the left foot, close right to left, stay weighted left, touch right foot beside left. It's alright. 37 Step right foot to right 38 Close left foot to right 39-40 Scoot backwards two times with feet together. You may take a long step back with the right foot, close left to right, stay weighted right, touch left foot beside right. It's alright. ROCK BACK & FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD, 1/2 TURN, SHUFFLE BACKWARD, 1/2 TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD 41 Rock back onto left toe/ball 42 Step forward onto right foot 43 Step forward onto left foot & Close right foot to left foot 44 Step forward onto left foot & Pivot 1/2 turn to left (now facing 9:00) 45 Step backward onto right foot & Close left foot to right foot 46 Step backward onto right foot & Pivot 1/2 turn to left (now facing 3:00) 47 Step forward onto left foot & Close right foot to left foot 48 Step forward onto left foot REPEAT