HONKY TONK CHRISTMAS CHOREOGRAPHER: Louise Hodson MUSIC: A Honky Tonk Christmas by Mickey Gilley 1-2 Right foot Heel, hook 3&4 Cha cha cha 5-6 Left foot Heel, hook 7&8 Cha cha cha 9 Right heel forward 10 Right toe back 11 Point right toe out to the right side 12 Hit Right foot behind left leg 13 Point right foot out to the right side 14 Hit right foot behind left leg 15 Point right toe out to the right side 16 Hit right foot behind left leg. 17 Step right on the right foot 18 Step left in back of right 19 Step right 20 Step on the left 21-22 Swivel to the right and back 23-24 Swivel to the left and back 25-28 Swivel right, left, right, left 29 Step right 30 Touch left 31 Step left 32 Step right 33 Step left on the left foot 34 Step right in back of left 35 Step left 36 Step on the right 37-38 Swivel to the left and back 39-40 Swivel to the right and back 41-44 Swivel left, right, left, right 45 Step left 46 Touch right 47 Step right 48 Step left 49&50 Step forward on right foot, lock left foot behind right, step forward on right foot 51&52 Step forward on left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward on left foot 53&54 Swing right foot over left and step on right, step on left foot, step on right foot 55&56 Swing left foot over right and step on left, step on right foot, step on left foot 57-64 Two jazz boxes, Right over left 65&66 Step to the right on right foot, close left foot to right, cross right foot over left 67&68 Step to the left on left foot, close right foot to left, cross left foot over right 69&70 Step to the right on right foot, close left foot to right, step right in back of left foot 71&72 Step to the left on left foot, close right foot to left, step left in back of right foot 73&74 Right foot, Brush back ball change 75&76 Left foot, Brush back ball change 77&78 Right foot, Brush back ball change 79&80 Left foot, Brush back ball change REPEAT STEPS 1-80 81 Step to the right 82 Step together 83 Step 84 Touch 85 Step to the left 86 Step together 87 Step 88 Touch 89-90 Touch right heel forward and back 91-92 Touch left heel forward and back 93-94 Touch right heel forward and back 95-96 Touch left heel forward and back REPEAT STEPS 1-68