FORTISSIMO CHOREOGRAPHER: John Bailey COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Maria by Los Nachos Oye by Gloria Estefan ROCK STEPS, COASTER STEPS, & ATTITUDE 1 Rock forward on right foot 2 Step back on left 3 Step back with right foot & Bring left beside right 4 Step forward with right) 5 Hold position and turn head a 1/4 turn left (may angle head down 45) 6 Clap hands 7 Turn head back to original position (12:00) &8 Clap hands twice 9 Rock forward with left foot 10 Sep back on right 11 Step back with left foot & Bring right beside left 12 Step forward with left foot) 13 Hold position and turn head a 1/4 turn right (may angle head down 45) 14 Clap hands 15 Turn head back to original position (12:00) &16 Clap hands twice HESITATED & SYNCOPATED EXTENDED WEAVE 17 Step right foot out to the right 18 Hold for a count & Bring left foot behind right 19 Step right foot to the right & Cross left foot over right 29 Step right foot out to the right 21 Bring left foot behind right 22 Hold for a count & Step right foot out to the right 23 Cross left foot over right & Step right foot out to the right 24 Bring left foot behind the right (left has weight) HESITATED & SYNCOPATED WEAVE WITH FUNKY CHASSE 25 Bring right foot down across left (or shift weight to right leg) 26 Hold for a count & Step left foot out to the left 27 Bring right behind left & Step left foot out to the left 28 Cross right over left 29 Step left foot out to the left 30 Hold & Bring right foot behind left 31 Step left foot out the left & Bring right foot behind left 32 Step left foot out to the left (weight on left) BUMP HIPS, SHUFFLE, BUMP HIPS, TRIPLE STEP & TURN 33 Step forward with right and bump hips forward (right hip) 34 Bump hips back on the left 35&36 Shuffle forward right (right, left, right) 37 Bump hips back on left 38 Bump forward on right 39&40 Triple step in place left, right, left making a 1/4 turn left HEEL, TOE, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, WITH TURN, BODY ROLL & BUMP, BUMP, BUMP 41 Touch right heel forward & Bring right back beside left 42 Touch left toe out to left side & Bring back beside left 43 Touch left toe out to the left 44 Turn left toe a 1/4 turn left Weight still on right. This is the prep for the forward body roll 45-46 Forward body roll (when body roll is finished you have completed your 1/4 turn left started on count 44) 47&48 Bump hips back on right, forward on left and back on right (weight is on left foot when body roll is finished) SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, STOMP, STOMP 49&50 Shuffle forward left (left, right, left) 51 Rock forward with right foot 52 Step back on left 53&54 Right coaster step 55-56 Stomp left foot twice ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, 1/4 TURN, & STOMP, STOMP, STOMP 57 Rock forward on left foot 58 Step back on right 59&60 Left coaster step 61 Step forward with right foot, 62 Pivot a 1/4 turn left on the balls of both feet (weight will shift to left foot) 63&64 Stomp right foot three times REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown