5,6,7,8....I CAN'T WAIT! CHOREOGRAPHER: Max Perry COUNT: 36 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: 5,6,7,8 I Can't Wait by The Nashville Attitude KICK, KICK, SHUFFLE, KICK, KICK, SHUFFLE 1-2 Kick right forward, kick right side 3&4 Right shuffle in place (right,left,right) 5-6 Kick left forward, kick left side 7&8 Left shuffle in place (left,right,left) HEEL-TOE STRUTS, STEP, PIVOT, KICK-BALL-CHANGE 9-12 Heel toe walks forward-right heel forward, right flat, left heel forward, left flat 13-14 Step forward right & turn 1/2 left, step in place with left 15&16 Right kick ball change (kick right forward, step right next to left, step in place left) GRAPEVINE RIGHT, SCUFF, BACK, BACK, COASTER STEP 17-20 Grapevine right with 1/4 turn right. Scuff left forward 21-22 Step back left, step back right 23&24 Left coaster step (step back left, step right next to left, step forward left) JUMP, CROSS, UNWIND, CLAP, STOMP, TOE FANS, STOMP, TOE FANS 25 Jump and land with both feet apart 26 Jump and land with right foot crossed in front of left foot 27 Unwind turning 1/2 left 28 Clap hands 29 Stomp right foot forward 30-32 Fan right toe out, in, out 33 Stomp left foot forward 34-36 Fan left toe out,in,out REPEAT