Four Corner Swivel
                        Choreographer Unknown

   This is a 4 Wall Line Dance.

    1 -  4   Step R to the side, return to Center, twice.
    5 -  8   Step L to the side, return to Center, twice.
    9 - 10   Step R to the side, return to Center, once.
   11 - 12   Step L to the side, return to Center, once.

   13 - 16   L Ski, R Ski, L Ski, Step L.
   17 - 19   Kick R, Step back R, Touch back L.
   20 - 24   Step L, Kick R, Step back R, Touch back L.
   25 - 30   Step L, Hop L twice, Stomp R, Stomp L.
   31 - 32   Hook R around L ankle, 1/4 Turn on L to the Left.
   33 - 34   Stomp R twice.

   Start Again!