DOUBLE MOON CHOREOGRAPHER: Robert Prieto and Kay Hackett COUNT: 44 TYPE: Couples Four Wall Line LEVEL: Unknown MUSIC: Neon Moon by Brooks & Dunn Notes: Start in right cape position with the man’s right arm across the lady’s back and the man’s right hand holding the lady’s right hand at the top of her right shoulder. The lady’s left hand is across the front of the man’s chest and he holds her left hand with his left and at about chest level. The man is about a foot to the left of the lady and a little back from her. This entire dance flows. There are no abrupt movements with body, or arms, so when changing arm positions, be sure and make them with a gradual flow of movement. STEP, ROCK, SIDE CHA CHA, 1/4 TURN RIGHT, ROCK, 1/4 TURN LEFT 1 Step left foot to left side 2 Step right foot back 3 Transfer body weight forward over left foot 4 Step right foot to right side & Step left ball of foot beside right foot 5 Step right foot to right side with 1/4 turn right Position: As the couple steps to the right side, the man’s position changes to the right side of the lady, both bodies facing approx. 1:00 o’clock. The man is now behind the lady in shadow position and has not let go of the lady’s hands. 6 Step left foot beside right Position: The man still does not let go of the lady’s hands, but simply flows/changes into left cape position with the man’s left arm across the lady’s back and the man’s left hand holding the lady’s left hand at the top of her left shoulder. The lady’s right hand is across the front of the man’s chest and he holds her right hand with his right hand at about chest level. The man is about a foot to the right of the lady and a little back from her. 7 Transfer body weight back over right foot 8 Step left foot back into 1/4 turn left Position: The man still does not let go of the lady’s hands, but his position changes so that he is now behind the lady in shadow position, holding the lady’s hands up and out. Her elbows are bent, fingers pointing upward and hands placed a little wider apart than shoulder width. FIGURE EIGHT & Step right foot beside left foot 9 Step left foot to left side into 1/4 turn left Position: The man still has not let go of the lady’s hands. The man is now back on the left side of the lady in right cape position (see notes above for description) 10 Step right ball of foot forward Position: As the couple steps right ball of foot forward, the man lets go of lady’s right hand and brings his right hand/arm from behind her back and between them and brings his right hand/arm forward as the lady brings her right hand/arm forward, both man and ladies right arms pointing forward, about chest height, elbow slightly bent, with right hand and arm parallel with floor. The man raises his left arm up, still holding lady’s left hand, and also raising her left arm up above their heads. 11 Pivot on right ball of foot 1/2 turn left Position: Left tandem turn, the man goes under the raised arms and leaves the left arms raised. 12 Pivot on left ball of foot 1/4 turn left and step right foot to right side. Position: The lady goes under the raised arms and the man brings the left arms down as he picks up the lady’s right hand above waist level, and up to shoulder height as his position moves behind her into shadow position, holding the hands of the lady up and out. Her elbows are bent, fingers pointing upward and hands placed a little wider apart than shoulder width. & Step left ball of foot beside right foot 13 Step right foot to right side with 1/4 turn right 14 Step left foot beside right Position: As the couple steps left ball of foot forward, the man lets go of lady's left hand and brings his left hand/arm from behind her back and between them and brings his left hand/arm forward as the lady brings her left hand/arm forward, both man and lady's left arms pointing forward, about chest height, elbow slightly bent, with left hand and arm parallel with floor. The man raises his right arm up, still holding lady's right hand, and also raising her right arm up above their heads. 15 Pivot on left ball of foot 1/2 turn right Position: Right tandem turn, the man goes under the raised arms and leaves the arms raised. 16 Pivot on right ball of foot 1/4 turn right and step left foot to left side. Position: The lady goes under the raised arms and the man brings the right arms down as he picks up the lady's left hand above waist level, and up to shoulder height as his position moves behind her into shadow position, holding the hands of the lady up and out. Her elbows are bent, fingers pointing upward and hands placed a little wider apart than shoulder width. ROCK MOVEMENT & Step right ball of foot beside left foot 17 Step left foot to left side 18 Step right foot beside, but back of left foot Position: The man is behind the lady, but slightly to the left side with his right side approx. to the center of her back. He has not let go of hands but has simply left his/her left hands up and out as in shadow position; he has, without letting go, moved their right hands to her waist/upper hip area, with heel of hands at waist/hip side and fingers around front of hip area, hands parallel to floor. 19 Transfer/rock body weight forward over left foot 20 Transfer/rock body weight back over right foot 21 Transfer/rock body weight forward over left foot 22 Transfer/rock body weight back over right foot 23 Transfer/rock body weight forward over left foot RIGHT FORWARD LOCK (TRIPLE CROSS), PIVOT 1/2 TURN LEFT 24 Step right foot forward, in front of and forward of, left foot Position: The man is still behind the lady, but moves to her left side as the right step forward is made. The hands are still in the same position as described in step #18, except her left arm is across the front of his chest area as he holds her left hand with his left hand to the left of his body & Step left ball of foot forward cross behind right heel 25 Step right foot forward 26 Step left foot forward 27 Pivot on left ball of foot 1/2 turn right Position: As the couple does the 1/2 pivot turn right, the man still does not let go of the lady's hands, but simply flows/changes hands to the opposite sides of the lady's body by moving the right hands across the man's chest, to the right of man's body as he bends the lady's left hand/arm down so that their left hands go to the lady's waist/upper hip area, with heel of hands at waist/hip side and fingers around front of hip area, hands parallel to floor. 28 Step left foot forward, in front of and forward of right foot & Step right ball of foot forward cross behind left heel 29 Step left foot forward 30 Step right foot forward 31 Pivot on right ball of foot 1/2 turn left Position: As the couple does the 1/2 pivot turn left, the man still does not let go of the lady’s hands, but simply flows/changes hands to the opposite side of the lady’s body by moving the left hands across the man’s chest, to the left of man’s body as he bends the lady’s right hand/arm down so that their right hands go to the lady’s waist/upper hip area, with heel of hands at waist/hip side and fingers around front of hip area, hands parallel to floor. 1/4 TURN LEFT, VINE RIGHT 32 Step right foot forward into 1/4 turn left Position: As the couple steps into the 1/4 turn left, the man lets go of the lady’s right hand, but keeps hold of her left hand, and he brings his right hand between them and out to his right side, approx. hip level. He raises their left hands/arms and he goes under the raised arms and she is now in shadow position behind him as she puts her right hand in his right hand and he brings the left hands down and out to their left side, approx. hip level to be symmetrical with the right hands. & Step left foot cross behind right foot 33 Step right foot to right side, with 1/4 right Position: As the couple steps right to right side, the man starts to raise their right ands/arms while letting go of left hands. 34 Step left ball of foot beside right Position: As the couple steps left into 1/4 turn right, the man continues to raise their right hands/arms so that the arms are over their heads, the left arms are pointing forward, approx. chest height, elbow slightly bent, with left hands and arms parallel to floor. 35 Pivot on left ball of foot 1/2 turn right Position: As the couple pivots on left ball of foot into 1/2 turn right, the man goes under the raised right arms and then both man and woman bring their left arms through and forward so both left arms are pointing forward, about chest height, elbow slightly bent, with left hand and arm parallel with floor. 1/4 TURN RIGHT, VINE LEFT 36 Step left foot forward into 1/4 turn right Position: As the couple steps left into 1/4 turn right, the lady’s position changes to shadow behind the man as he brings their right hands down and out to right side approx. hip level and she puts her left hand in his left hand which is out to the left side approx. hip level. & Step right foot cross behind left foot 37 Step left foot to left side, with 1/4 turn left Position: As the couple steps left foot to left side, the man starts to raise their left ands/arms while letting go of right hands. 38 Step right foot beside left Position: As the couple steps right into 1/4 turn left, the man continues to raise their left hands/arms to that the arms are over their heads the right arms are pointing forward, approx. chest height, elbow slightly bent, with right hands and arms parallel with floor 39 Pivot on right ball of foot 1/2 turn left Position: As the couple pivots on right ball of foot into 1/2 turn left, the man goes under the raised left arms and then both man and woman bring their right arms through and forward so that both arms are pointing forward, about chest height, elbow slightly bent, with right arm and hand parallel with floor. 1/4 TURN LEFT, SIDE STEPS, ROCK, SIDE STEPS 40 Step right foot forward into 1/4 turn left Position: As the couple steps right into 1/4 turn left, the lady’s position changes to shadow behind the man as he brings their left hands down and out to left side approx. hip level and she puts her right hand in his right hand which is out to right side approx. hip level. & Step left foot beside right foot 41 Step right foot to right side 42 Step left foot forward 43 Transfer/rock body weight back over right foot 44 Man steps left foot to left side. Lady steps left foot in place beside right foot. & Man steps right foot beside left foot. Lady steps right foot forward 45 Man steps left foot back as he lets go of lady’s left hand. Lady steps left foot forward and man takes lady’s left hand in his left hand at about chest level and to the left side of his body. The man’s right arm is across lady’s back and the man’s right hand holding the lady’s right hand is at the top of her right shoulder. Now back in right cape position. REPEAT at step #2