CAN'T STOP CHOREOGRAPHER: Rob Fowler COUNT: 16 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Begginer MUSIC: Can't Stop The Cheap Seats 1. Kick Right foot forward &. Cross Right foot in front of Left foot 2. Step Left foot back &. Step Right foot to Right side 3. Scuff Left foot forwards 4. Cross left foot infront of Right 5. Step Right foot to Right side. &. Cross Left foot behind Right 6. Step Right foot to Right side making 1/4 turn Right &. Pivot 1/4 turn Right 7. Step Left foot to Left side. Pushing hip Left 8. Push hip Right 9. Kick Left foot forward &. Cross Left foot infront of Right foot 10. Step Right foot back &. Step Left foot to Left side 11. Scuff Right foot forward 12. Cross Right foot infront of Left 13. Twist heels Right turning 1/4 Left &. Twist heels Left 14. Twist heels Right turning 1/4 Left &. Twist heels Left 15. Twist heels Right turning 1/4 Left &. Twist heels Left 16. Stomp Right foot turning Left &. Stomp Left foot Begin Again !!! When dancing to the recommended song you will have to add 2 counts to the dance at 3 specific times. This is when the singer sings the word heart for an extended time. The first is when you have completed steps 7 and 8. You have to extend the count to 9 10 by adding 2 hip bumps. The second and final time you have to add the extra steps is when you have executed the steps 16 &.