CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Hookie, Arlington, Texas, March, 1995
TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
MUSIC: Canadian Sunset by Floyd Cramer-108 BPM (preferred)
	I Didn't Know My Own Strength by Lorrie Morgan-168 BPM (performed at half speed (84 BPM)
	Baby Likes To Rock It by The Tractors-176 BPM
	Boogie Back To Texas by Asleep At The Wheel-184 BPM
	Wear And Tear On My Heart by George Fox-132 BPM

General Dance Description: Four directional type line dance.
All dancers start off in single file lines all facing the same direction.
After completing the pattern, dancers will have made a 1/4 turn to the left
from the beginning direction. It is recommended that dancers first read the
comment section before proceeding with learning the dance.
It will help greatly.


1.	1	Right foot touch forward
	&	Right foot center
	2	Left foot forward
	&	Left foot center
	3	Right foot touch to the side
	&	Right foot center
	4&	Left foot step across right foot for one full beat

2.	1	Touch right foot forward at a 45º angle right
	&	Slide right foot directly behind left foot
	2	Left foot step across right foot
	&	Place left foot where the right foot was
	3	Right foot touch forward at a 45º angle right
	&	Slide right foot directly behind left foot
	4	Left foot step across right foot and
		place left foot where the right foot was (1/2 a beat)


3.	&	From center make a slight jump back on right foot at
		a 135º angle to the rear side of right
	1	Lift slightly and touch-down  left heel in place where it was
	&	Shift weight forward on to left foot
	2	Return right foot center
	&	From center make a slight jump back on left foot at
		a 135º angle to the rear side of left
	3	Lift slightly and touch-down  right heel in place where it was
	&	Shift weight forward on to right foot
	4	Return left foot center


4.	&	From center make a slight jump back on right foot at
		a 135º angle to the rear side of right
	1	Lift slightly and touch-down  left heel in place where it was
	&	Slide left foot back directly behind right foot
	2	Right foot step across left foot
	&	Place right foot where the left foot was
	3	Left foot touch forward at a 45º angle left
	&	Slide left foot directly behind right foot
	4	Right foot step across left foot and
		place right foot where the left foot was (1/2 a beat)


5.	&	From center make a slight jump back on left foot at
		a 135º angle to the rear side of left
	1	Lift slightly and touch-down  right heel in place where it was
	&	Shift weight forward on to right foot
	2	Return right foot center
	&	From center make a slight jump back on right foot at
		a 135º angle to the rear side of right
	3	Lift slightly and touch-down  left heel in place where it was
	&	Shift weight forward on to left foot
	4	Return right foot center

6.	&	Jump back on left foot
	1	Touch right toe straight forward
	&	Slide right foot straight back next to left foot
		and accept the weight
	2	Step forward on left foot
	&	Make a 1/2 turn  pivot to the right on the ball of the left foot
	3	Touch right toe straight forward
	&	Slide right foot straight back next to left foot and
		accept the weight and kick left foot forward
	4&	Step forward on left foot

7.	1	Step right foot to the side and accept the weight only on the toes
	&	Shift weight to left foot
	2&	Step right foot across left foot
	3	Step left foot to the side and accept the weight only on the toes
	&	Shift weight to right foot
	4&	Step left foot across right foot

8.	1	Right foot step to the side
	&	Make a 1/4 turn to the left
	2	Left foot step straight back
	&	Make a 1/2 turn left
	3&4&	Right foot Kick-Ball Change

Suggested Dance Style: Canadian Sunset is a 'soft shoe' type of dance.
Originally choreographed to be performed to slow music (+/- 108 BPM).
Dancers should imagine themselves performing the dance on stage with top hat
and cane. Imagine that and you will get the idea how it should be performed.
Now--- for those of you who want to 'kick some butt' on the dance floor with
this dance - you can!!  Be sure that you have a lot of room: The touches in
Steps #2 and #4 can be changed to kicks, the Ball-Jacks can be explosive, and
an extra turn can be added to the 3/4 turn in Step #8 just to name a few variations.

Any nice and slow smooth flowing song will generally work well.
Canadian Sunset is an excellent dance to perform to Latin rhythms

Comments: Canadian Sunset was choreographed in syncopated 4/4 time but can be
performed to songs written in 2/4 time. In 2/4 time each  'step' in this
description takes one beat, whereas when performing the dance to songs
written in 4/4 time - the dance is performed 'syncopated' which puts the
steps either 'on' the beat or 'off'' the beat.
What is also challenging about Canadian Sunset is that the beginning of the
dance - description steps 1,2,7 and 8 are all performed on the beat while the
middle- description steps 3,4,5 and 6 are performed on the off beat.
Canadian Sunset was choreographed by Chris Hookie as another attempt to be
creative and explore other concepts and dimension of line dancing.
Line dances do not have to always be performed to fast 'rockish' music nor
have to be choreographed to be performed strictly on the beat.
Canadian Sunset was choreographed for and dedicated to Jim and Daphne Anderson -
a couple of very special 'Canadians' on their 25th wedding Anniversary.
Jim and Daphne have done so much to perpetuate and share their love of
Country Western line dancing that is only appropriate that they should have
their own dance. 	Thanks Jim and Daphne--- Chris.


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.